​​0141 463 6689
Merchant City Tower, 4 Bell Street, Glasgow, G1 4LG

Quality Management Policy

SE Commercial ServicesQuality Management Policy

Quality Management Policy


SE Commercial Services are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products and services that meet or exceed their expectations. We believe that quality is an essential aspect of our business and that it is vital for our success.

The company aims to achieve the above by implementing a management system that complies with the international standard of good practice BS EN ISO 9001:2015. It also includes a commitment to meet the requirements of our clients, learn from customer feedback, as well as legal and regulatory requirements. Also, to continual development of the system and helping to ensure it remains effective.

All personnel within the company are responsible for the quality of their work. The company provides training and has established systems to assist all personnel to achieve the standards required. While we endeavour to produce work and offer a service that we can be proud of, we must recognise that we do not always achieve our own standards. When a customer complains, we are committed to investigating the complaint and will do our best to put right all justified complaints.

Only by providing an outstanding service and product quality will we achieve our aims of long-term success and sustained improvements
To achieve this, we will:

1. Understand and meet our customers’ needs and expectations.
2. Continuously improve our products and services to enhance customer satisfaction.
3. Train and develop our employees to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively.
4. Use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure that our products and services are of the highest quality.
5. Monitor and review our processes regularly to identify opportunities for improvement.
6. Comply with all relevant legal, regulatory, and industry requirements.
7. Communicate this quality policy to all employees, customers, and stakeholders.
8. Continuously evaluate our performance to ensure that we meet our quality objectives.
9. Monitor our suppliers’ quality management arrangements to ensure that quality performance appropriate for the work to be undertaken is delivered throughout the whole of our organisation’s supply chain.

We are committed to achieving excellence in everything we do. Our quality policy is central to this commitment, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that we meet our customers’ needs and expectations while maintaining the highest standards of quality.


Policy Reviewed: 3rd April 2024

Date of next review: 3rd April 2025